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Center for philosophy and public policy (C3P)

The Centre for Philosophy and Public Policy (C3P) is a research centre that focuses on normative aspects of issues of public policy from the perspective of political, economic, and legal philosophy. Current research issues include the ethics of voting, the limits of the market, and big data and privacy.

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Center for philosophy and public policy (C3P)

The Centre for Philosophy and Public Policy (C3P) is a research centre that focuses on normative aspects of issues of public policy from the perspective of political, economic, and legal philosophy. Current research issues include the ethics of voting, the limits of the market, and big data and privacy.

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Members of the centre have an academic background in philosophy or political theory and are committed to promoting an open, logically rigorous and empirically informed conversation on public policy issues that are of importance and practical relevance to all citizens.

The centre hosts regular workshops with international guests and collaborates with other research institutions as well as companies from the private sector. In all of its activities, the centre aims to contribute to solutions to the challenges faced by contemporary society. It therefore welcomes opportunities to participate in public debate with academics, members of the press and policy makers.




Center for philosophy and public policy (C3P)
Research Leader Jørn Sønderholm
Aalborg University
Department of Culture and Learning
Kroghstræde 3, room 4.145
DK-9220 Aalborg Ø

Phone: +45 9940 3389

Centre for Philosophy and Public Policy’ is a part of the research group ‘Centre for Applied Philosophy’ at Aalborg University.

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