Academic networks and labs
Network Nordic Modernistic Poetry (NorLyr)

Academic networks and labs
Network Nordic Modernistic Poetry (NorLyr)

The Network for Nordic Modernist Poetry (NorLyr) was founded in 2003 by a number of researchers from universities in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland. The network is an active forum, which today has 16 members, has held 8 seminars on Nordic lyric and has published 6 peer-reviewed anthologies. The network's latest anthologies are Interaction between the Art Species (2010), Poetry post-millennium. Lyric in the first decade of the 2000s (2012) and the poem outside the collection of poems (2013).
Research in Nordic lyric has been an expanding field in recent years. This is not just the case in literary historical optics, where the lyric has a central place in all periods. The lyrical genre has been the place where the original language has been unfolded and where the individual has sought to translate his soulful states. But also in a forward-looking perspective, the lyric stands strong, as it has shown an eminent ability to interact with other genres, arts and media. The lyric today is omnipresent, considering its myriad manifestations in the form of e.g. song lyric, slogans, performance and electronically conveyed text units.
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