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Department of Culture and Learning

The Techno-Anthropology Lab (TANTlab)

The research group TANTlab investigates key processes of social and technical innovation that are critical to the challenges facing contemporary and future societies.

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Department of Culture and Learning

The Techno-Anthropology Lab (TANTlab)

The research group TANTlab investigates key processes of social and technical innovation that are critical to the challenges facing contemporary and future societies.

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We contribute to the interdisciplinary fields of science & technology studies, anthropology of technology and computational social science and humanities.
We work experimentally with fieldwork methods, design interventions, and digital/computational methods to engage users, publics, and partners in exploring dilemmas, controversies, and paths to sustainable and desirable futures.

TANTlab - Our questions and curiosities

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TANTlab - Our questions and curiosities

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The Techno-Anthropology Research Group
Torben Elgaard Jensen, Head of Research Group
Aalborg University Copenhagen
A. C. Meyers Vaenge 15,
Building A, Room: 2-3-312
2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark

Phone: (+45) 9940 3394,
Mobile Phone: (+45) 4077 9596